Saturday 28 November 2015

Spaha Capital Management and Radbourne Property Group Bankruptcies

Ask yourself if you would trust a person with your money who has filed for numerous  bankruptcies, has in excess of 20+ liens(including tax liens) and a documented judgment in excess of $380,000 (that is actively being collected upon). If the answer is HELL NO then you should go to This web site is a true and accurate informational site set up to inform and warn investors. This site revolves around    john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group. As you will find out john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group was found guilty in Federal Court for Breach of Contract. You will also find out that any contract documented in that john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group signed he defaulted on. Apparently john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group has no respect for anything he signs. If you read the judgment you will see howjohn van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group outright lied and/or told half truths under oath in this case. John van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group even tried to open a skate park in Orlando florida called radbourne skate park or radbourne skate center and failed. Now he is trying to reinvent himself and is collecting monies to buy land in Orlando Florida and build another skate park.

All avenues of collection are now in progress to collect on john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group latest default.  John van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group has in the past just closed one company down and opened another leaving investors and their monies. The truth has finally caught up with john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group and is being brought to light so that anyone thinking about doing  business with  on john van clief or john vanclief dba spaha capital management currently dba the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group doesn’t have to go thought years of civil court procedures to recover their hard earned money.


  1. How is someone like this not in jail. good for you Mr.Blum. It seems like this guy got away with ripping off people for along time but you stood up and scored a touchdown .

    1. I did a broker check on john van chief and according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA) it states:

      Not Licensed
      This individual is not currently licensed to act as a broker (buying and selling securities on behalf of customers) or as an investment adviser (providing advice about securities to clients). They may still be able to offer other investment-related services if properly licensed to do so

  2. Good job Mr.Blum-after reading your case,it is crystal clear Van Clief lied his ass off. Hey Van Clief karma,what comes around goes around

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You even gave Van Clief time to pay you and he DEFAULTED 7 days later,this guy is a joke. It seems a contract to him is a waste of paper

  5. I guess Van Clief thought he could get away with ripping you off Mr.Blum-good for you in putting him in his place. I hope other people follow your lead.

  6. SEC, NY DA's Office where are you

  7. I heard VanClief is even contacting past acquaintances and trying to solicit money from them to invest. STAY FAR AWAY.
    What a low life move to even scam your so called friends
