Saturday 24 October 2015

Spaha Capital Management or the Radbourne Property Group

Attention all readers, this will serve as a general warning to all investors who are thinking of or currently doing business with John VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as Spaha Capital Management or the Radbourne Property Group or just the Radbourne Property Group. John VanClief or John Van Clief has a past pattern and practice of defaulting on contracts he has signed in the past. John VanClief or John Van Clief has many liens, judgments and bankruptcies against him. In fact a background check revealed 21 liens and three bankruptcies against John VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as Spaha Capital Management and the Rabourne Property Group or just Radbourne Property Group. You should all be aware that John VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as Spaha Capital Management and the Radbourne Property Group or just Radbourne Property Group opened a skate park call Radbourne skatepark Orlando florida or Radbourne Center Orlando Florida. John VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as Spaha Capital Management and the Radbourne Property Group or just radbourne property group is currently trying to raise money from investors to finance radbourne skatepark Orlando florida or radbourne center Orlando florida. Again beware that John VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as spaha capital management and the radbourne property group or just radbourne property group is using the investors money who think its going to radbourne skatepark Orlando florida or radbourne center Orlando florida to pay off his liens, bankruptcies, judgments.

Currently radbourne skatepark Orlando florida or radbourne center Orlando florida at the artegon mall has shut down and has maybe filed for bankruptcies. If you have invested with VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as spaha capital management and the rabourne property group or just radbourne property group in radbourne skate park Orlando florida or radbourne center Orlando florida you should visit a web site ​www.john-van-clief.comand you will see first hand VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as spaha capital management and the rabourne property group or just radbourne property group.past history of liens, bankruptcies and judgments against him. In the web site there is a contact section that you can write to in order to discuss anything related to VanClief or John Van Clief doing business as spaha capital management and the rabourne property group or just radbourne property group or radbourne skate park Orlando florida or radbourne center Orlando florida.


  1. After going to the above web site, I cant believe Van Clief thought the judge would believe his bull shit. Van Clief needs to be investigated by the SEC. I WOULD NOT TRUST HIM WITH MY MONEY. After reading about all his liens, bankruptcies and judgment he cant even mange his own finances how can he manage other peoples

    1. I did a broker check on john van chief and according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA) it states:

      Not Licensed
      This individual is not currently licensed to act as a broker (buying and selling securities on behalf of customers) or as an investment adviser (providing advice about securities to clients). They may still be able to offer other investment-related services if properly licensed to do so

  2. I agree 100%, I wouldn't trust Van Clief with my lunch money

  3. Good day, My name is Justin Kerin, owner of Just Dance Entertainment a local production and events company in Central Florida. Back in November of 2014 I was contact by an assistant of John Vanclief (through the website who was helping to plan an event for their opening of the Skate Park in the Orlando area. We worked out the costs and details for the rental and we were there the next day to deliver and setup the equipment. We were told that they had to pay us in installments so 1/3 of the bill was paid upon our arrival. After the end of the event both John Vanclief and his Assistant Jennifer said everything was to their liking and they would send me the remaining balance in a check once they returned to NY. After multiple e-mails to them both and phone calls to Mr Vanclief's office I never once received a response or an attempt to settle of the debt of the services and gear rental we provided.

  4. I was going to invest with John Van Clief but lucky for me I read I am so thankful to Mr.Blum for taking the time to create that web site. It saved me from making a very bad decision. Definitely read the web site and STAY AWAY FROM DOING ANY BUSINESS WITH JOHN VAN CLIEF

  5. I guess Van Clief thought he could get away with ripping you off Mr.Blum-good for you in putting him in his place. I hope other people follow your lead.

  6. SEC, NY DA's Office where are you

  7. I heard VanClief is even contacting past acquaintances and trying to solicit money from them to invest. STAY FAR AWAY.
    What a low life move to even scam your so called friends
